23 May 2011

Branches of science and definations

CBSE ADDA   Science Dealing with Different Subjects
Agriculture – Culture of all cultures.
Agronomy – Agros = field + nomous = cultivation i.e. Art of growing crops.
Aeronautics – Science of flight of aeroplanes.
Anatomy – Structure of human body
Arboriculture – Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
Astronomy – Study of heavenly bodies.
Biology – Science of living bodies.
Botany – Science of plant life
Chemistry – composition and properties of various elements in nature.
Cryptography – Secret writing.
Cryogenics – Concerned with the production, control and application of very low temperatures.
Cytogenetics – Cell formation.
Cytology – Dealing with cells.
Entomology – Insects study.
Exobiology – Science deals with life or possibilities of life existing beyond the earth.
Floriculture – Flowers cultivation.
Geology – Condition and structure of the earth.
Horticulture – Art of garden cultivation.
Hydroponics – Culture of plants without soil, with the help of chemical solution containing nutrients.
Iconography – Teaching by pictures and models.
Jurisprudence – Science of law.
Lexicography – Compiling of dictionary.
Meteorology – Atmospheric phenomenon.
Mycology – The study of fungi.
Neurology – The study of nerves.
Numismatics – Coins and medals.
Obstetrics – Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
Odontography – Science and study of Teeth.
Olericulture – Vegetables growing.
Ornithology – The study of bones.
Paleontology – Study of animal fossils.
Pathology - (Pathos = disease +logus-knowledge) Study of disease.
Pedagogy – Education

Phrenology – Skull and brain.
Philately – Stamp collecting.
Philology – Study of language.
Phonetics – Concerning the sounds of a spoken language.
Physiographic – Natural phenomenon.
Phytogeny – Origin and growth of plants.
Pomology – Fruits study.
Psychology – Study of mind.
Seismology – Study of earthquakes.
Sericulture – Silk-worm breeding.
Sociology – Social problems and human progress.
Telepathy – Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions, thought and feeling.
Therapeutics – Healing of diseases and laws of health.
Tribiology – The study of increasing surfaces in relative motion.
Virology – Study of viruses.
Zoology – Science of Animal life

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